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Blueprint for Regionalization

Listen to Marla and Kristin, two of the Regional Advisory Group members, describe the need for regionalization.

The Blueprint for Regionalization is:

  • a reflection of major structural themes that frequently surfaced across a diverse set of community members and stakeholders who have experienced homelessness and are working to prevent and end homelessness in the Twin Cities Metro Region;
  • a proposed set of actions that can begin to address structural barriers to preventing and ending homelessness in the region, many of which are rooted in racism; and
  • a roadmap to creating a different kind of regional planning and decision-making table, one that is rooted in justice. 

The Blueprint was created through:

  • a partnership with a group of 18 people with lived experience of homelessness and housing insecurity across the 7 county Twin Cities Metro Region;
  • a system’s audit that centered the experiences of people who have experienced homelessness and those working within the system, particularly Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other people of color; and 
  • a set of community workshops that co-designed the proposed actions and roadmap forward. 

The Blueprint has the potential to: 

  • guide the region in implementing a regional kitchen table – a space that shifts power, brings in a more diverse set of community stakeholder, and addresses structural barriers rooted in racism;
  • be a catalyst for being and acting different in the work to end homelessness; and
  • start the regional journey to not only end homelessness but reach housing justice.

To access a pdf version of this online report, click here.